Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Sister U Matter!

Focus On The Good Stuff

by B.C. Raines on 12/14/17

I woke up this morning in a different mode. I began remembering that this year had been an unbelievable year but it wasn’t the good stuff that I was remembering. It was all of the challenges, the crises, the disappointments and the upsets. These memories begin to overwhelm me so much that I did not want to get out of bed. I knew that staying in bed just was not an option for me today.

So, I shifted my focus. I forced myself to recall the accomplishments, the wins, the successes and the unbelievable yeses. I had to intentionally focus on the good (positive) stuff. Guess what? I’m encouraging you to do the same: focus on the good stuff!

Remember…Sister U Matter!®

It Takes One To Know One

by B.C. Raines on 12/05/17

Do you remember this saying from when we were young? It usually was said spitefully and hastily after someone called you an unpleasant name. It went something like this: “You are so ugly.” Response: “It takes one to know one!”

I’m tickled just thinking about those exchanges. They were innocent and the best “snap back” that most of us could come up with during those heated exchanges. So now that we are all grown up, I want to put a new spin on this old saying.

Often times we are looking for qualities in other people that we either do not have or are not willing to develop in ourselves. It’s like we set these standards for others that we, ourselves, are not even willing to meet. For instance, we are expecting others to be honest. Well, are we honest with others? We are expecting others to be our friends. Are we friends to others? We expect others to readily forgive us. Do we readily forgive others? I think you see where I’m going with this.

I think we can take the pressure off of others and ourselves if we begin to shift the focus to our own character development instead of creating character fantasies that others may not even want to develop. I recommend that we strive to become what we expect in others and then truly we can say with compassion, “It Takes One To Know One”.

Remember…Sister U Matter!®

SUM! Salutes Our Veterans

by B.C. Raines on 11/11/17

Thank you for your service, dedication and sacrifice
for our communities and great country.

Just Thankful Challenge

by B.C. Raines on 11/02/17

It’s November, y’all. I don’t know about you but it seems as if this year has just flown by. In a few weeks, we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving. WOW!

I have found myself being a little distracted lately with just the busyness of life and was beginning to feel somewhat overwhelmed with all that I am attempting to juggle on a daily basis…parenting, work, supporting family, cooking, cleaning, taking care of me, etc. I felt like I was drowning in it all. I don’t like it when I feel this way—it’s so draining. I generally just want to stay in bed all day. (Well, at this stage of my life, staying in bed all day every day is not an option for me)…so I decided to intentionally shift my focus.

I began to focus on identifying just one thing that I am just thankful for in the midst of the busyness. I must admit it was a little difficult at first but I was intent on identifying that one thing. Finally, I had it. Then I thought of one more thing and then another and then another and it kept flowing. It was just like the flooding of the busyness but this time it was the good stuff and it changed how I felt. I felt a little lighter, not so weighed down; my mind seemed to be clearer. I was smiling mentally.

So because I had such a positive experience, I wanted to challenge you to do the same: intentionally identify one thing for which you are just thankful and post as a comment. Let’s see how many comments are posted. I’ll start..

Remember…Sister U Matter!®

Love Shouldn't Hurt

by B.C. Raines on 10/25/17

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

B.C. Raines