Sister U Matter!
Spring Forward This Season
by B.C. Raines on 03/14/18
Spring forward. Fall back...It’s the only way I can keep up with which way to change the clock to accommodate the Daylight Savings and Standard time changes. I know, it’s elementary but hey, it works for me. In the spring, I move the clock forward by one hour (Spring forward) and in the fall, I move the clock back by one hour (Fall back). You see: Spring forward. Fall back.
Just like we moved our clocks forward this past weekend, I challenge you to also spring forward in this season of your life. Were there any dreams considered during the fall and winter seasons of your life? What idea did you ponder during these seasons? Any business or personal goals that you’d like to reach this year? Spring is a perfect time to move forward and pursue any if not all of these new adventures.
Think about it…Spring is the season of new beginnings. During this season we see the return of green grass, flowers blooming, trees budding and for many, it is the return of the sun’s bright rays after the gloomy and dark skies of winter. It is also the prelude to the long awaited sunny and fun-filled days of summer.
So spring forward. ..It’s your season to move into new beginnings.
Spread the word...Sister U Matter!®
You Are Part 2…
by B.C. Raines on 03/06/18
You Are...
You are you. There is only one you. Embrace you. Love you. Forgive you. Appreciate You. You were created on purpose for a purpose!
Remember…Sister U Matter!®
You Are…
by B.C. Raines on 02/27/18
You Are…
You are you. There is only one you.
Embrace you. Love you. Forgive you. Appreciate You.
Remember…Sister U Matter!®
So What Are You Doing?
by B.C. Raines on 01/23/18
Service is the rent we pay for the space we occupy. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
We recently enjoyed the benefits of the national holiday celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He gave the ultimate sacrifice, his life, for the service he offered to his community, his county and ultimately the entire world.
In honor of such a great example of service, I ask the question of you and request that you ask it of others: So what are you doing? What service are you providing? What service can you provide? The goal of our service should be to positively impact the lives of our neighbors and our communities. It doesn’t have to be anything big or grand, it just needs to start…So what are you doing?
Remember…Sister U Matter!®
The Reason For The Season
by B.C. Raines on 12/22/17
As we rush about and enjoy all the fun,
Don’t forget the reason for the season…
the birth of our God’s Son.
-B. C. Raines
Merry Christmas and remember...Sister U Matter!®