Sister U Matter!
Don’t Wait
by B.C. Raines on 04/04/19
Don’t wait to do what you know you are purposed to do. Take a step, even if it is a very small one. Start today. Start right now. That step could be even as simple as starting to discover what your purpose may be. Our life span here on Earth is so short and unpredictable. We truly can be well and living one moment and the very next moment, not well and/or not even living.
I am encouraging you in this way because I have witnessed (I’m sure you have too) and so many others are experiencing the sudden loss of a loved one. In many cases, the loved one was still so full of expectancy regarding all of the things they would accomplish with the rest of their lives and sometimes with a second chance at life. But suddenly and catching their loved ones by surprise, they leave this world still full of all of the purpose, hopes and dreams that they had come to cherish and anticipate.
Don’t wait. Live your purpose. Tomorrow is not promised. (To be really honest about it, the rest of today is not even promised.) Trust me--there will never be a perfect time. There will never be perfect conditions. There will always be something that seems out of sync but don’t let that stop you from moving forward towards achieving your purpose, your hopes and your dreams.
Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®
That B Word
by B.C. Raines on 03/21/19
Sisters, sometimes life can just be unfair. It can be full of twists, turns and unexpected trials. Life isn’t bad all the time but when not-so-good things happen to us, it sure does feel bad; sometimes really bad-- like we’re at our worse point ever in life.
So, when we find ourselves in these places, what do we do? Do we react or respond? How does the bad, that B word, affect our lives? We make a ‘that B word’ choice: bitter or better. Yes, Sisters, we can decide how will we handle the adverse situations in our lives.
We can focus on the all of the I’s associated with the situation…I hurt. I was betrayed. I was humiliated. I was mistreated, etc. and when we focus on the I’s, that means we have chosen…bitter. Bitter keeps us stuck and stagnated in our emotions and our thinking. But we can also focus on the E in the situation. How can this elevate me? What lessons can I learn from this? How can this situation make me better? Focusing on better helps heal and move forward in spite of the not-so-good. Do you see the difference?
That B word—what’s yours? Bitter or Better?
Always remember…Sister U Matter!®
Dress in Blue Day
by B.C. Raines on 02/28/19
Dress in Blue Day
Friday, March 1, 2019 is Dress in Blue Day. What is Dress in Blue Day? By wearing blue, you bring awareness to colorectal cancer and honor all who have been impacted by this disease.
Don’t Assume
“Don’t Assume” is the Colorectal Cancer Alliance’s 2019 National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month public awareness campaign. The goal is to challenge assumptions and misconceptions about colorectal cancer by dispelling myths, raising awareness, and connecting people across the country with information and support.
For more information, click:
Feeling Some Kinda Way
by B.C. Raines on 02/15/19
Well, it’s the day after Valentine’s Day. Did you receive all that you thought you would? Or are you feeling some kinda way today? I want to remind you that you are still valuable and lovable even if you didn’t receive all that you thought you would or should have. I say all the time that our self-worth is inappropriately all tangled up with the material stuff and a lot of times, the approval of and/or recognition by others.
So, you didn’t receive the flowers? The chocolate? The card? It doesn’t mean you don’t deserve them or that you are not lovable. Not receiving these things from someone else doesn’t make you less valuable than someone who did. Your valuable is all about you loving you and knowing that your worth is more about appreciating you. If it makes you feel any better, go and buy those items for yourself (or at least one of them) and save a little money (they will be much less expensive today--smile).
Always remember, especially today…Sister U Matter!®
Love You
by B.C. Raines on 02/08/19
You know as women, we nurture and take care of everyone; everyone, that is, except ourselves. We generally pour so much into everyone else around us that we have absolutely nothing left to give to ourselves. Today’s post is just a simple reminder: be intentional about loving you. Make it a priority. Be creative with how you love you. Schedule it. No one can love you better than you can love you.
Remember…Sister U Matter!®