Sister U Matter!
You Did It!
by B.C. Raines on 09/04/19
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. -- Amelia Earhart
So many of you responded to last week’s challenge to reset. Yes, you did it! You declared it’s reset time and I have heard about some awesome first steps to start the reset. One sister reported that she is establishing the non-profit entity of her business enterprise. Another sister is advertising her product again. Another is actively planning (not just talking about) a fundraiser for her company. Another sister set a weekly exercise goal and has accomplished the goal during the first week.
So, you didn’t declare it’s reset time last week? That’s okay. It’s not too late. You still can. I encourage everyone reading this post to keep moving forward even in the smallest of steps towards reaching your goals. Remember, it’s never too late for a reset and to celebrate your victories. Sister, you did it!
Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®
It’s Reset Time
by B.C. Raines on 08/24/19
It’s been while since I posted but I’m back. These last few months have been very challenging for me in many areas of my life. (Trust me, I will be sharing some details in later posts.) But now, it’s reset time and I’m challenging you to do the same. In what area of your life is a reset needed? Family, marriage, career, health, business, relationships, educational pursuits, embracing your singleness, etc.? Let me know by commenting to this post. Let’s do this reset together. Sister, it’s reset time!
Always remember…Sister U Matter!®
Give Them Their Flowers Now
by B.C. Raines on 05/10/19
Have you ever heard the saying, Give me my flowers now? I grew up hearing this saying and had a pretty good grasp at its meaning. However, I have to tell you that the older I become, the better I grasp this saying’s meaning.
Here’s my take: Honor people while they are living here on Earth. How do you do that? Buy lots of flowers and give them away? You could but try these too: Say thank you. Speak kind words. Encourage others. Congratulate others regarding their successes. Give a smile when passing by on the sidewalk. Just call to say ‘Hi’. Send a pleasant note.
Always remember…Sister U Matter!®
The SOAR Plan
by B.C. Raines on 04/25/19
A few weeks ago, we reminded each other that we can SOAR. I hope you caught it. You know…Stretch Out And Reach. Did you accept last week’s challenge and physically stretch out and reach? How did it feel? I hope that the physical motion encouraged you to mentally SOAR towards your goals. So what is The SOAR Plan?
Stretch-Set the goal. What is it? Write it down. Your goal should be specific and measurable. The measurable aspect will help you determine when the goal has been accomplished or what other steps may be needed to accomplish the goal.
Out-Go outside of your comfort zone. Set a goal outside of your comfort zone; outside of what’s familiar to you. I bet you have some pretty big dreams/ideas that you’ve probably talked yourself out of even attempting to pursue. “I can’t do that”, “That’s crazy” has probably been some familiar and often rehearsed self-talk over the years but the dream keeps coming. Try stepping outside of your comfort zone. Write out the dream/the vision. Your dream just may come true. Go beyond your normal.
And-Indicates that it takes more than a “wish list”; more than just thinking about the goal. Plan your action steps. Designate deadlines for completing the identified steps. Examples include taking enrichment courses to learn more about your area of interest or researching your topic on the internet.
Reach-Your action. It’s the extra stretch/push. You have to move towards accomplishing your goals. Try small steps. Identify an initial small step. That small step will eventually lead to the next step and the next step and the next step. Pursue your goals with tenacity—with all that you have. For instance, if you want to be a chef, start actually cooking, start experimenting in the kitchen. If you want to travel abroad, choose one destination initially and just do it. So reach—give the extra stretch.
Stretch Out And Reach…SOAR. Who knows where you’ll end up!
Always remember…Sister U Matter!®
Stretch Out And Reach
by B.C. Raines on 04/12/19
What do you think about when you hear the word ‘soar’? I immediately think about an eagle. I envision the eagle soaring through the sky with its wings stretched wide. The flight looks so effortless and it’s such a beautiful sight. I am a graduate of Auburn University and one of our home game traditions is the “flyover” of the bald eagle. (The eagle is one of two of the University’s mascots.) I tell you each time I see the eagle soar, it captures my attention and the sight is so majestic, so awesome. The eagle definitely gets my attention each time.
Did you know that you can soar? That’s right. You can Stretch Out And Reach-S.O.A.R- for your goals. Think about the image of the soaring eagle again. Its wings are stretched out and the eagle is moving towards its destination. It’s soaring.
Let’s try it physically, stretch out and reach. Do you feel the extra stretch when you reach? It’s the same when striving to attain our goals. Many times, it will take the extra stretch to really get us where we want to be especially if we find ourselves in a low point of our lives today. But just remember the eagle: from whatever point it starts, it's 'flyover' is still majestic!
Stretch Out And Reach…..S.O.A.R!