Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Sister U Matter!

Maybe I Should…

by B.C. Raines on 05/02/17

Maybe I Should Take Action and Acknowledge Known (or unknown) Errors…in my mindset, in my lifestyle, in my circle of friends, in my choices or in my behaviors, etc. Do you see that word again? You know the one I’ve posting about for the past two weeks. Do you see it? M-I-S-T-A-K-E-S…Mistakes. I told you that I thought I had at least one more post related to this word. So, one of the blessings that I have gained from my mistakes is the signal that something has to change. There is an error somewhere and most likely it’s in my thinking, in my mindset.

I challenge you to identify the mindset behind the mistake (the lesson). What was the thinking that may have caused you to make the mistake? You see a lot of times, we change our behaviors but not our mindsets that caused the behaviors. Prior to making decisions and even after you realize you’ve made a mistake, ask yourself: What am I operating on? Why am I making this decision? Sometimes we are operating on mindsets that we are not even aware of like fear, insecurity, jealousy and even unresolved anger. Until these faulty mindsets are identified and addressed, the same types of mistakes will continue to occur in our lives.

So, mistakes. Maybe they’re not as detrimental as we think or as we make them. Maybe there’s a lesson to be learned and a blessing to be gained that would have only come as the result of a mistake. Maybe I Should…you finish…

Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®

Mistakes…You Have A Choice

by B.C. Raines on 04/25/17

Yep, it's me again sharing more about the mistakes topic. I received a lot of positive feedback on last week’s post regarding mistakes. (Hint: There will probably be at least one more “mistakes” post.)

One important lesson that I recently learned about my mistakes: I don’t have to stay in them, physically or mentally. This is a new revelation for me. For the longest time, I lived life dragging my mistakes with me. I felt like I had to dig in and embrace the mistake and just deal with life happening to me after the mistake. I must admit that realizing that I don’t have to stay in my mistakes has been very liberating, like a new found freedom, for me. You see my new approach is that once I identify that I have made a mistake, I can make the decision to either waddle in my mistake (just let life happen) or use it to propel me to the next level of my life; again identify my lessons and my blessings. (Remember, last week’s post?) I once read something like: there can be a message from a mess; a testimony from a test; a triumph from a trial; and a victory for the victim. Ummm…

So what’s your choice? Stay or go? Waddle or Propel?  You see, how we handle our mistakes is our choice to make. I choose my message, my testimony, my triumph and my victory. What about you? Yes, you have a choice.

Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®

Mistakes: The Good Stuff

by B.C. Raines on 04/18/17

Mistakes. Who likes making them? No one that I am aware of. Most of us strive to live our lives mistake free. Will guess what? If your life is mistake free, have someone check your pulse because that probably means you are NOT living. LOL!!

Sisters, mistakes are inevitable. They are certain to occur in life. As a matter of fact, we should learn to expect them. They are a very necessary part of life. They are designed to teach us something about ourselves. They are not designed to hinder us. They are not designed to stifle our lives. If we use them effectively, they can be a huge help to us. (Yes, even the mistakes we keep making over and over and over again.)

I think sometimes we get so fixated on the mistake that we get stuck there emotionally and psychologically.  We forget to look for the good stuff, the lessons and blessings, that resulted from the mistakes. I’m learning that there is always some good in those situations if we can just calm down, refocus and look for the good; you know, expect some good to come from it.

So let’s try a different approach regarding our mistakes, a different perspective: look for the good stuff--our lessons and blessings in those mistake situations in our lives. I promise there is some good in that situation, most likely waiting on you to see it, staring you right in your face.

Are you looking for that good stuff? Are you looking for those lessons and blessings?

Remember…Sister U Matter!®

Silent Partner

by B.C. Raines on 04/04/17

Did you realize that a silent partner is still a partner? Yep, the silent partner contributes to the group, is still accountable for the actions of group, as well as, reaps the benefits and consequences of the group. You know that being a silent partner does not exempt us from the consequences of the group’s actions, right?

I was watching an episode of one of my favorite TV series, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (SVU). In this particular episode, a college administrator was being charged as an accessory to rape. The administrator and her attorney were appalled. They asked how was the accessory charge justified. The SVU team explained that because of her  “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, the ignoring and/or non-handling of previously reported sexual assault cases and the no discipline extended towards the University’s fraternities after the incidents related to their behavior were reported, the administrator and affiliated staff had cultivated an atmosphere ripe and conducive for ongoing sexual assault among the college’s students. In essence, she and others had become a “silent partner”.

I challenge you to examine your “silent partnerships”.  Are those partnerships positive? Are they productive? Are they encouraging good or not so good? What is your role in the partnerships? Do you go with the status quo? Do you challenge the status quo? Remember, a silent partnership earns you all of the benefits and consequences afforded to the group—the good, the bad, and even the ugly.

Remember…Sister U Matter!®

The Beginning Of A New Season?

by B.C. Raines on 03/21/17

Spring actually started this week, on March 20th, marking the beginning of a new season. In this season, we commonly think of events like Spring Break, Spring Cleaning, Spring Fests and nature’s newness all around us.

You know, it can be physically a new season in our lives but if our thinking remains in the previous seasons of our life, we will live like we are still in those seasons, behave like we are still in those seasons and will not be able to embrace the new things available in the new season. For example, if we keep focusing or rehearsing the events that caused us pain, we become stuck in that season of our life and it consumes our very being.

What season will you live in? The one you have already experienced or the new one that can begin today? I encourage you to embrace your spring, the beginning of a new season for you.

Spread the word…Sister U Matter!

B.C. Raines