Sister U Matter!
Just Slow Down
by B.C. Raines on 12/19/19
I know it’s a busy time of the year. There is so much to do and not much time left in which to get it all done. Retailers are calling this upcoming week Panic Week... But just slow down!
Do you remember the reason for the season? Or is it all the presents? Just slow down..
This season is all about His presence…Just Slow Down!
Believe it or not, you’ll enjoy this special season even more if you…Just Slow Down!
Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®
Make Your Christmas List
by B.C. Raines on 12/11/19
When growing up, my brothers and I had to create a list of items that we desired to receive for Christmas. We were given the Sears Catalog and told by my parents to write down the items we wanted. Now, we understood that just because we wrote down the items, it was not a guarantee that we would receive them. This list served two purposes: it gave me hope that I would receive at least one thing from the list and it gave “Santa” an idea of what I wanted.
I was reminded of this ritual a few months ago. I was looking through a catalog making my “Christmas list” of items that I desire for Sister U Matter!® You see, the list gives me a visual of my wants and helps me plan.
So, what about you? What are your plans? Your desires? Have you written them down? If you haven’t written them down, how will you know when you’ve accomplished your goals? How do you know in which direction you are headed? There is a scripture, Habakkuk 2:2, that states “Write down this vision; clearly inscribe it on tablets so one may easily read it”.
I encourage you to make your “Christmas list”. Make your plans and desires easy to read and let’s just see what you will receive. Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®
Respect the Person
by B.C. Raines on 11/13/19
I have often heard it said “To get respect, you have to give it.” I’m sure that at some point in my life, I have spoken it myself and even believed it wholeheartedly. But I have come to understand that this is not an ideal “sisterhood” approach.
You see, as sisters and ambassadors of the Sister U Matter!® message, we should treat (respect) others the way we want to be treated (respected). Now, there is no guarantee that we will be treated that way by each and every person that we encounter but remember the Sister U Matter!® message starts with us; we set the tone, the expectation.
So I challenge you, respect the person. Who knows? Your respect shown to them could be the respect that is shown to you or even a catalyst of respect shown to others far after the person’s encounter with you.
Spread the word (respect)…Sister U Matter!®
True? Kind? Necessary?
by B.C. Raines on 11/06/19
“Words are free. It’s how you use them that will cost you.” -Anonymous
You know, Sisters, just because we can say or do a thing doesn’t always mean we should. Sometimes saying or doing something (even with the best of intentions) at the wrong time can be very devastating. It can damage relationships, strain situations and create pockets of distrust among even the closest of friends. I read a devotional many years ago that encouraged readers to consider these three questions before speaking:
It is true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
If what we are about to say (and I add ‘do’) answers ‘yes’ to these questions, then move forward. If not, don’t. Our words (and actions) can build up or tear down others. Sometimes, as women, we get so caught up in “telling folks the truth” or “telling her about herself” that we don’t consider if our words are also kind and/or even necessary. Sometimes our assessment of the situation is not correct and we could cause more harm but “telling the truth”.
Sisters, I challenge you to keep those words (and actions) true, kind AND necessary. Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®
Titles Carry Responsibility
by B.C. Raines on 10/23/19
I recently heard of a bridal shower being planned and implemented by the bride. My 1st question: Why is she doing all of this? My 2nd question: Why isn’t someone from her bridal party, i.e. maid or matron of honor or a friend handling at least some of this for her?
I quickly realized that sometimes we don’t know or understand that our titles also carry responsibility. You see, part of the maid and/or matron of honor's duties include taking some of the stress off of the bride. In the bridal shower situation, the bride should not have to juggle RSVPs or decorating.
I wonder how many titles do we hold but not carry the responsibility that goes with them. Titles like friend, neighbor, daughter, sister, wife, mother, employer, employee, clergy, etc. You see wearing the title and experiencing the benefits of the title feels good in most cases. But are we wearing the title well? Are we fulfilling the duties that come with the title?
I challenge us to take inventory of the titles we are carrying and assess how well we’re wearing them. Are you giving the title the justice it deserves? Yes, titles carry responsibility.
Always remember…Sister U Matter!®