You Just Won’t Fit : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

You Just Won’t Fit

by B.C. Raines on 07/11/17

I recently purchased a new refrigerator for my home. I absolutely love this refrigerator. It’s a style that I have desired for some time. But guess what? It’s too big for the space I have allotted for a refrigerator in my kitchen. (Yes, I measured before purchasing...that’s another blog post.)  I have tried everything short of a complete kitchen remodel to make the refrigerator fit.

That got me to thinking…what other areas of my life may I be trying to squeeze into? You know, trying to make myself fit into a space that is just too small for me? Relationships? Social circles? Careers?

Have you ever noticed how we try to minimize ourselves to fit into some places in our lives? You won’t fit. We’re just like my refrigerator---we’re just too big. We can try to fit but we will end up scratched, dented and sometimes even stuck in places we were never designed to be. Just maybe we were designed to fit into a larger space or better yet a space that will accommodate us.

Sisters, when we realize that we won’t fit where we’re trying to fit into, just keep moving; a more perfect fit just may be in the next step you take forward.

Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®

Comments (1)

1. Jennifer said on 7/12/17 - 03:48PM
Thanks for sharing your experience. I will definitely not try to fit where I don't belong.

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B.C. Raines