When You Can’t See Beyond : Sister U Matter!
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

When You Can’t See Beyond

by B.C. Raines on 07/19/17

What do we do when we can’t see beyond what we anticipate?

Back to the refrigerator experience again. I measured the space, many times. Remember, I had been looking for a new refrigerator for some time. And according to my measurements, the refrigerator I selected would have fit into the allotted space. So what happened?

I didn’t notice that the counter top had encroached on my refrigerator space. I also didn’t notice that the counter top was not cut evenly. It was cut at an angle—more narrow in the back, wider in the front.

So what happens when we make decisions in life based on good information but things occur that we didn’t anticipate? How do we handle the disappointment? The failure? The discouragement? The hurt? The set back?

We make adjustments and keep moving. We learn from the experience and apply the lessons to the next situation. Eventually, we learn we can’t anticipate everything about every situation. We keep moving even though we can’t see beyond.

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B.C. Raines