What’s On Your Plate?
by B.C. Raines on 05/23/17
I’m struggling with losing some excess weight again. If you know me personally, you know that this has been a life long struggle for me. I gain, I lose. I gain, I lose. I gain, I lose…
So, I’ve been trying to identify what will work best for me to shed these newly acquired extra pounds. While doing this research, I recognized that this new weight is the result of emotional eating. So now I am asking myself this question: “What’s on my plate?” What am I really eating? Frustration? Sickness? Disappointment? Fear? Regret? Fatigue? Loneliness? Worry? Guilt? Remorse? Doubt? Shame? Tired? Grief? Sick and Tired? Betrayal? Well to be really honest, I am “eating” some of these…ummm, well, a whole lot of these (smile).
Well, now I’m challenging you with the same question, “What’s on your plate?” What are you consuming? Or a better question may be “What’s consuming you?” Sister, we are not designed to carry these emotional “pounds”. It adds unhealthy weight to us, internally and externally, and hinders in so many areas of our lives. You know, we can’t be all that we are purposed to be if we are carrying the extra weight. We have to maintain a balanced weight to SOAR--remember last week’s post?
So, what are we going to do? Keep being consumed by the unhealthy “food” on our plates? Or develop a more balance diet? I’m going for the more balanced diet option. I got stuff to do, places to go and people to see—this weight CAN”T keep holding me!!!!
What’s on your plate?
Remember…Sister U Matter!®