What’s In Your Character? : Sister U Matter!
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

What’s In Your Character?

by B.C. Raines on 02/08/17

Actor Samuel L. Jackson is featured in a series of commercials advertising a credit card company. You may have seen at least one of them. He talks about the perks of having this particular credit card in your possession. He asks the question: What’s in your wallet? This question is an invitation to look in your wallet and see what’s in there (or at least to think about it). What credit card is in there; specifically, is the credit card that he’s advertising in there?

So I’m asking you this question: What’s in your character?

  • Yes, we may be dependable but are we trustworthy?

  • Yes, we are nice but are we kind?

  • Yes, we are truthful but are we honest?

  • Yes, we are generous but are we genuine?

  • Yes, we may be dedicated but are we loyal, committed?

See, without really knowing what’s truly in our character, we tend to walk around thinking that our “good” actions are a true reflection of what’s in our hearts. For example, I can be generous—give you the very shoes off of my feet and the shirt off of my back but does that mean that I am genuine or compassionate? I could be giving my stuff away, outwardly showing that I care about the person I just gave my stuff to, but then turn around and tell everyone that will listen about the person I just helped’s condition, situation or status. How genuine or compassionate is that?

What’s in your character? Does your outside really reflect what is on the inside? See, when tough times come, it’s your character—the stuff in your heart—that comes out. I encourage you to take inventory of what’s in your character. You just may be surprised at what you find.

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B.C. Raines