We Matter Because : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

We Matter Because

by B.C. Raines on 11/08/18


Sisters, we matter because...

We have purpose.

We nurture.

We invent.

We solve problems.

We develop plans.

We promote peace.

We carry life.

We are beautiful.

We are to be adored.

We are to be adorned.

We are to be loved.

We are to be protected.

We are to be respected.

We are to be admired.

We expect to matter to our boys and men. But do we really expect it from women beings, (my commonly used phrase for girls and women) our sisters? Even more, do we give it to and/or encourage it from each other? It starts with us, you know.

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B.C. Raines