Titles Carry Responsibility : Sister U Matter!
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Titles Carry Responsibility

by B.C. Raines on 10/23/19

I recently heard of a bridal shower being planned and implemented by the bride. My 1st question: Why is she doing all of this? My 2nd question: Why isn’t someone from her bridal party, i.e. maid or matron of honor or a friend handling at least some of this for her?

I quickly realized that sometimes we don’t know or understand that our titles also carry responsibility. You see, part of the maid and/or matron of honor's duties include taking some of the stress off of the bride. In the bridal shower situation, the bride should not have to juggle RSVPs or decorating.

I wonder how many titles do we hold but not carry the responsibility that goes with them. Titles like friend, neighbor, daughter, sister, wife, mother, employer, employee, clergy, etc. You see wearing the title and experiencing the benefits of the title feels good in most cases. But are we wearing the title well? Are we fulfilling the duties that come with the title?

I challenge us to take inventory of the titles we are carrying and assess how well we’re wearing them. Are you giving the title the justice it deserves? Yes, titles carry responsibility.

Always remember…Sister U Matter!®

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B.C. Raines