Those Touches
by B.C. Raines on 08/01/17
Here’s another lesson learned from my refrigerator experience that I want to share with you—be careful of those touches from others.
See, in trying to make my beloved refrigerator fit, I allowed a contractor to slightly modify my refrigerator cubby to see if we could make room. You see, I only needed approximately two inches more of space. Well, after those modifications, the contractor was able to fit the refrigerator into the space. But not with ease, there was some pushing and shoving used when all was need was a roll if the space were appropriate.
With all of the pushing and shoving, she—the refrigerator—was scratched and dented. I was sick. You see, the contractor did not see the value in her like I did. I saw an investment; a pay off for my hard earned dollar. An accomplishment. A desire of my heart fulfilled. The contractor only saw an object that needed to fit into a space. Another contractor moved her into a new space in the kitchen, now she has a limp.
My point…just be careful of those touches. Everybody is not for you and cannot see and appreciate who you are—your beauty, that you’re a prize, an accomplishment, a treasure, a rare jewel.
This applies to those connected to us by birth and/or association. Sometimes those touches can be so crushing, painful and spirit breaking. If allowed to, they can be debilitating and hinder us physically and definitely emotionally and spiritually. Trust me, Sisters, just be careful of who you allow to touch you—verbally and physically. You know words touch and can even kill, too.
Watch those touches and remember…Sister U Matter!®