The Beginning Of A New Season? : Sister U Matter!
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

The Beginning Of A New Season?

by B.C. Raines on 03/21/17

Spring actually started this week, on March 20th, marking the beginning of a new season. In this season, we commonly think of events like Spring Break, Spring Cleaning, Spring Fests and nature’s newness all around us.

You know, it can be physically a new season in our lives but if our thinking remains in the previous seasons of our life, we will live like we are still in those seasons, behave like we are still in those seasons and will not be able to embrace the new things available in the new season. For example, if we keep focusing or rehearsing the events that caused us pain, we become stuck in that season of our life and it consumes our very being.

What season will you live in? The one you have already experienced or the new one that can begin today? I encourage you to embrace your spring, the beginning of a new season for you.

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B.C. Raines