So, What About When It’s You? : Sister U Matter!
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

So, What About When It’s You?

by B.C. Raines on 06/28/17

So remember last week’s post about forgiving the same person even for the same offense an unlimited number of numbers? What was your initial response while reading the post? “No, way.” “Nope.” “I can’t do that!” “Really?” “That’s stupid.” “God didn’t tell me that.” “B.C. ‘Bakeba’ has lost her mind.” “I’m glad it’s her and not me.”

Well…what if, just what if, that someone is you? What about when it’s you? It’s you that you have to forgive an unlimited number of times for the same offensive action that you committed. The act most likely hurt you more than it hurt more than it hurt anyone else or at least it feels that way. You know that forgiving ourselves is probably the most difficult component of the forgiveness process.

So now what’s your response when the forgiveness is all about you? Can you forgive yourself as many times as it takes? Can you cut yourself some slack? Can you give yourself some grace? Some mercy? Some love? Some gentleness?

So, what about when it’s you?

Remember…Sister U Matter!®

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B.C. Raines