Sister, You Really Do Matter : Sister U Matter!
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for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Sister, You Really Do Matter

by B.C. Raines on 11/01/18

I remind you all the time that you have influence, power and authority. Now, I want to encourage you to exercise it. How? By participating in the November 6, 2018 elections happening all over the country. I’m not interested in who you cast your vote for, I just want you vote. It’s your right.

I know of two recent elections where the woman’s vote decided the outcome: the latest presidential election and the election of the most recent senator from Alabama. Check the stats. Women decided those races. You see, this is one of the ways we can exert our influences.  We have a voice and we have power, we just have to use it. Yes, your individual vote does matter and our collective vote chances outcomes. So, on November 6th, participate because Sister, you really do matter and it’s your right!

Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®


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B.C. Raines