Resurrection, Anyone?
by B.C. Raines on 04/05/18
The Christian community just celebrated Resurrection Sunday also commonly referred to as Easter Sunday. It’s an annual celebration of the risen Christ which demonstrates, among other things, His almighty power even over death.
That got me to thinking…Are there some areas in my life that need to be resurrected? You know the things in my life that have been declared dead, expired, gone, lifeless or even lost. Things like big dreams, grand plans, outlandish heart’s desires, etc. What about you? Do you have any of those?
Well, I encourage us today to take inventory of those “lost”/“expired” things and determine which of those things need to be resurrected. (Warning: Be careful with this assessment because some dead things in your life need to stay dead. Trust me on this one!) Just because it looks too big or nothing seems to be happening on the surface doesn’t mean it won’t work or it can’t work. Those things are not impossible; difficult maybe but not impossible.
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