Mistakes…You Have A Choice : Sister U Matter!
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Mistakes…You Have A Choice

by B.C. Raines on 04/25/17

Yep, it's me again sharing more about the mistakes topic. I received a lot of positive feedback on last week’s post regarding mistakes. (Hint: There will probably be at least one more “mistakes” post.)

One important lesson that I recently learned about my mistakes: I don’t have to stay in them, physically or mentally. This is a new revelation for me. For the longest time, I lived life dragging my mistakes with me. I felt like I had to dig in and embrace the mistake and just deal with life happening to me after the mistake. I must admit that realizing that I don’t have to stay in my mistakes has been very liberating, like a new found freedom, for me. You see my new approach is that once I identify that I have made a mistake, I can make the decision to either waddle in my mistake (just let life happen) or use it to propel me to the next level of my life; again identify my lessons and my blessings. (Remember, last week’s post?) I once read something like: there can be a message from a mess; a testimony from a test; a triumph from a trial; and a victory for the victim. Ummm…

So what’s your choice? Stay or go? Waddle or Propel?  You see, how we handle our mistakes is our choice to make. I choose my message, my testimony, my triumph and my victory. What about you? Yes, you have a choice.

Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®

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B.C. Raines