Maybe I Should… : Sister U Matter!
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Maybe I Should…

by B.C. Raines on 05/02/17

Maybe I Should Take Action and Acknowledge Known (or unknown) Errors…in my mindset, in my lifestyle, in my circle of friends, in my choices or in my behaviors, etc. Do you see that word again? You know the one I’ve posting about for the past two weeks. Do you see it? M-I-S-T-A-K-E-S…Mistakes. I told you that I thought I had at least one more post related to this word. So, one of the blessings that I have gained from my mistakes is the signal that something has to change. There is an error somewhere and most likely it’s in my thinking, in my mindset.

I challenge you to identify the mindset behind the mistake (the lesson). What was the thinking that may have caused you to make the mistake? You see a lot of times, we change our behaviors but not our mindsets that caused the behaviors. Prior to making decisions and even after you realize you’ve made a mistake, ask yourself: What am I operating on? Why am I making this decision? Sometimes we are operating on mindsets that we are not even aware of like fear, insecurity, jealousy and even unresolved anger. Until these faulty mindsets are identified and addressed, the same types of mistakes will continue to occur in our lives.

So, mistakes. Maybe they’re not as detrimental as we think or as we make them. Maybe there’s a lesson to be learned and a blessing to be gained that would have only come as the result of a mistake. Maybe I Should…you finish…

Spread the word…Sister U Matter!®

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B.C. Raines