Look Beyond What You See : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Look Beyond What You See

by B.C. Raines on 06/13/17

While on vacation at the beach recently, I do what I always do--I searched the shore for sea shells. I like to collect the complete shells and especially those with a different shape, color or pattern and this time I also picked up some unique rocks. Well, I was in for a little treat and surprise on this trip. It was the oddest thing: there were different shell and rock variations along the same shore line. You see for me, I assumed that because of what I saw at surface level looked so much the same, you know--the water, the waves and the sand--I just thought that what was under it, what my son calls my “hidden treasure”, would be the same as well.

Isn’t this the way we usually view each other? Because for the most part we all have the same body components on the outside, we assume that what is on the inside of person is similar as well. Sisters, each of us carries our own unique “hidden treasure” within us. Even those of us affected by similar circumstances, may carry the effects of the experience a little differently. I challenge you to look beyond what you see in your Sister. You just may be surprised at what’s just beneath the surface. Always remember, our backgrounds may be different but the message is still the same…Sister U Matter!®

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B.C. Raines