H.O.P.E. : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL


by B.C. Raines on 04/09/20

Hold On Pain Ends

I read this message on a local digital church sign the other day and I thought what a timely hope reminder: Hold On Pain Ends!

These are some painful times that we are living through right now. Every day the news seems to get worse and worse. A steady increase in the death toll, a dramatic increase in the unemployment rate and the number of sick growing so rapidly that it threatens to overload our health system. We suddenly find ourselves struggling in areas in our lives individually, as well as a country, that we never could have imagined just a month ago. It can be overwhelming, can’t it?

Yes, these are painful times and we will live though them. Just remember H.O.P.E: Hold On Pain Ends!

You've got this…Sister U Matter

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B.C. Raines